Note from the seller:Please specify the letter/letters that you would like on your stamp. Up to 3 characters can be included and will be in all caps.
A whimsical fern stamp personalized with your details. Perfect for stamping onto envelopes, invitation accessories, and day of items!
- High quality rubber stamp with handle - Stamp impression measures 2 by 2" - Linen storage pouch included - Ships from Delano, MN within 5-7 business days
Please note: -Letter(s) will be in all caps. -Listing is for the stamp only. Ink pad purchased separately. -Stamp impression measurements vary somewhat depending on your custom text, but will be very close to the stamp length.
Product Specifications
Length: 2 in. Height: 2.7 in. Width: 2 in. Weight: 0.4 lbs.