Graduation Thank You CardsVarsity Frame

by Erin L. Wilson
"Varsity Frame" - Graduation Thank You Cards in Vintage by Erin L. Wilson.

Graduation Thank You CardsVarsity Frame

Color Theme
Photo Orientation
fold-over (blank inside)
Standard Cover
  • Free unlimited proofs with your own dedicated designer.

Minted folded thank you cards are the perfect way to acknowledge loved ones who helped your graduate along their journey. The cards are designed to coordinate with our announcements or as a lovely separate piece. If you have any questions or special requests for your cards, please email us.
This design features varsity letters to announce a party for your grad

  • Dimensions

    4.25" x 5.5"

  • Printing


  • Card Type

    fold-over (blank inside)

about the artist

byErin L. Wilson

Lutherville Timonium, MD

Stationery is my happy place. I'm a stay-at-home mom of three kids and a very part-time piano teacher who designs in her "free time." My great loves are God, my family, piano, airports, design, chocol... more

Visit Erin L. Wilson's store
Varsity Frame
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