Commissioned Original PaintingPainted Pet Dog Portrait, 8x10.5", Painted Commission

Sold & Shipped by AlisonJerry

Commissioned Original PaintingPainted Pet Dog Portrait, 8x10.5", Painted Commission

Sold & Shipped by AlisonJerry

Note from the seller: Please provide the following in the text box above the “Add To Cart” button: • Brief description of commission request • Is this a gift? Do you need a gift note? • Please prepare 3 or more photos of your pet. I will reach out via email after purchase to get photos from you. * Name a pastel color for the background color and provide your beloved pets name.

• Acrylic on 8x10x.5" on canvas
• Framed in a light finish wood floater frame
• Hanging wire attached
• Please allow 15 days to complete your portrait
• All commissions are final sale and include 1 proofing round

Product Specifications

Length: 10 in.
Height: 1 in.
Width: 8 in.
Weight: 2 lbs.

    about the artist


    Doylestown, PA

    I love everything about art. I use a variety of mediums like oils, watercolor, pastels, photography, and photoshop.I enjoy the entire process of making something beautiful and even making mistakes along the way which turn out better than what I had planned. My style is experimental, modern and yet complex. I currently live in Dallas and work in my home studio, while my two cats Kona and Nikko try to sleep on my work!

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