Address StampsLily Holiday Address Stamp | Self Inking Return Address Stamp

Sold & Shipped by Samantha Malvey

Address StampsLily Holiday Address Stamp | Self Inking Return Address Stamp

Sold & Shipped by Samantha Malvey

Note from the seller: Follow the template below EXACTLY to ensure your order is *not* delayed :) ---> **Do not** remove the words "Line 1" / "Line 2" / "Line 3" etc. Line 1: anderson Line 2: 103 Magnolia Rd Unit 2 Line 3: Deer Park, TX 77536 ★ Note: We will use the displayed capitalization of this design! If your words need abbreviating due to space, we will do that ★

Our timeless self inking return address stamp will add everlasting elegance to your wedding invitations, Save the Dates, Christmas cards, and everyday mail. Use for your own wedding, or as a timeless housewarming gift or personalized gift for a friend.


✿ A self-inking stamp is the fastest way to stamp hundreds of envelopes in one sitting. It provides a much more even and foolproof print than wooden stamps and ink pads.
✿ A black high-pigment ink pad is built-in.
✿ Made of climate-neutral, professional stamp casing.
✿ Stamped on top with your return address stamp design.
✿ Packaged in a muslin cotton storage bag.


✿ Product Itself: 3.5" wide x 3.5" tall
✿ Print Size: Up to 2.5" wide, 1" high

*NOTE: The print size of your stamp will be *up to* 2.5" wide and up to 1" high. For example, if you have a shorter name and shorter address, the print of your stamp will be a smaller width. If you have a longer name and longer address, the print of your stamp will be a wider width up to 2.5" wide.


✿ We lovingly package all our products in a complimentary muslin cotton bag that can be used for storage.


✿ I will print your stamp using the capitalization displayed on this particular design, regardless of how you capitalize your information.
✿ "Trailing arms" on script fonts are *only* visible on lowercase letters. So if you enter your names as "Nicole + Jon" and you chose a design with trailing arms, your names will be printed as "nicole + jon" with the trailing arms on either side.


✿ Please practice stamping on a smooth surface before you stamp your stationary envelopes. This will allow you a safe place to learn how to use the stamp.
✿ Use your entire palm to press down on the top of the stamp.
✿ Use a good amount of pressure.
✿ Hold briefly to the paper for ~1 second, then release.
✿ NOTE: Envelopes should be smooth and not rough-textured for a good print.

Product Specifications

Length: 2.5 in.
Height: 3.5 in.
Width: 1 in.
Weight: 1 lbs.

    about the artist

    bySamantha Malvey


    I'm Sam, the creator of Enchanted Stamps. A few years ago, the pandemic made me rethink my career and life. I decided to take a risk and follow a dream I'd dreamt for so long - to open my own small company. And, I finally found my calling in running my own small business. I'm so happy to share my love for designing and making products with you!

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