A guide to creating your holiday card

Find Your Card

Use one of these free services to choose a design from our independent artist community.

Text us your photo

Receive five card suggestions, hand-selected to match your photo

Text "PHOTO" to (201) 582-0850

Text "PHOTO" to (201) 582-0850

Preview your photo in every card

To activate this feature, click “browse designs using your photo” while shopping.

shop holiday cards

Customize your card

Explore the many ways to create a one-of-a-kind card.



Options for every price point


Back-of-card designs

Share even more

fonts & text

Including custom foil text

Learn more Shop holiday cards

Gather your addresses

Here are three ways to collect and manage your addresses with ease.

Upload spreadsheet

Prefer managing on your computer? Use the address assistant tool to upload a spreadsheet.

upload contacts

Collect by email or text

Request information directly using a custom email or text link.

request addresses

Import from your phone

Download our iOS app to seamlessly import your phone contacts or scan envelopes.

download app

Prepare to send

Let us take care of your envelopes.

Free recipient address printing

Make your card even more memorable for recipients with free address printing in a matching design and font.


Elevate your greeting with a colored envelope—available in 16 colors—or a festive liner.

30% savings on holiday cards + FREE shipping